उत्पाद वर्णन
FuserUpperLowerBearing; PNN/A. ItemDescription. FuserUpperLowerBearingForCanonIR 5055 5065 5075 5570 6055 6255 8105 8205 6570 5070 6075 6275Upper..Canon imageRUNNER 5000 Compatible UpperFuser Roller Bearing; 100% Guarantee. Up to 1 Year ; Specifications and Details: Original Mfr/Compatible: Compatible.CanonXG9-0421-000 CompatibleUpperFuser RollerBearing; Specifications andDetails: Original Mfr/Compatible: Compatible. Condition: New. Shipping WeightUpper Bearing for Kyocera Tk 3212i isdesigned to work with a variety of Kyocera printers, including the FS-2100DN, FS-4100DN, FS-4200DN, and FS-4300DN models.FuserUpperLowerBearingForCanonIR 5055 5065 5075 5570 6055 6255 8105 8205 ... FuserUpperLowerBearing. ItemDescription. FuserUpperLowerBearingForBrand :CANON,. Part No : XG9-0325-000, XG9-0382-000, XG9-0421-000. Model No : iR 5000, iR 6000, iR 5000i, iR 6000i, iR 5020, iR 5020i, iR 6020, iR 6020i,...